Thursday, September 2, 2010

September- National Organic Month!

How is everyone's September going?! September is my favorite month, not just because it's the month my birthday is in, but because it's all about change! We get to cool down from the long, hot summer months and warm up with hot chocolate or a big pot of soup and enjoy the autumn season. Everyone, including myself, is back to school, getting back into their regular habits between work, school, and whatever life throws at us. Did you all know that September is national organic month? September has a ton of food-related month titles like national mushroom month and national honey month, in addition to more odd occasions like national head lice awareness month...;) Anyway, the point is that the "organic trend" that is sweeping the country is celebrated this month. Whenever I can get it, I always choose the organic kind of whatever it is that I want. So, with that said, when you go to your grocery store (or supermarket as some call it ;)), choose organic! It's more expensive and not as easy as reaching for the first thing you find, but it's important to make these decisions to better impact our local and national farmers and stop the use of all the "-acides" and GMO's in the food we eat! So, let's make September completely organic! Cheers to the fall season and the importance of organics/sustainability in the United States!

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